Dalaman beach, our country has become a symbol of nature protection in the work sea turtles (Caretta caretta) is one of the most important nesting areas. Nile turtle (Trionyx triungis) lives in the lakes of Kargın and Sulfur.
Alan also threatened with extinction on a global scale is Capoeta bergamae serves as home to freshwater fish.
In the area, the Ottoman fire (Lycaena ottomana), which is endangered world-wide, is a butterfly species.
Use of the Field: Intensive agriculture, livestock, fishing and tourism activities are carried out in the area. Corn, wheat and citrus fruits are the main types of agricultural products. In the region, especially in the vicinity of Sarıgerme (Sarısu - Dalaman River) along the coast of hotels and tourism activities are also encountered. Dalaman Airport is located in the area.
Threats: One of the major threats to the area is the interventions in the water regime. In the past period, drainage activities were carried out in the Dalaman Plain, and a large part of the plain was converted into agricultural land. Wetlands within the boundaries of the airport are dried by airport expansion works.
Another important threat is tourism activities. Sand dunes are destroyed for golf and accommodation. Such as thermal hotels on the coast of Sulfur Lake, negatively affects the species in the area. There are also plans to build a large marina and a marina at the eastern end of the beach Dalaman. The marina will negatively affect the Mediterranean monk seal on rocky shores and bays with its boat traffic and additional human activities. In addition, the binding capacity of more than 600 yachts and a sizable overwintering, and other additional services sectors Berth with this marina and the park will close with the land by expanding the area between Dalaman beach with Kocagöl.