Dalaman Yacht Port and Sea Bus Docking Station project tender has been completed and part of the site is in SİT and a part is in Special Environmental Protection Area. In case the Yacht Harbor is completed, the share of the district will also increase.
Karaçalı Municipality was founded in 1967 and Atakent Municipality was established on 01.06.1979. Atakent and Karaçalı Municipalities were merged as of 01.01.1984 and it was named Dalaman Municipality. Dalaman Municipality serves with 45 officers, 65 unionized workers and 6 contract workers. 2 buses, 9 trucks, 3 excavators, 1 grader, 1 cylinder, 3 fire trucks, 3 pickups, 2 minibuses, 2 tractors, 1 asphalt distributor 1 jeep, 2 cabins, 1 hearse and work machines are carried out in the municipality.
Dalaman Municipality 2003 fiscal year revenue-expenditure budget is 3.098.825 million. The final account for the fiscal year 2002 is TL 3.003.417.293.399.TL, 2.293.608.210.939. TL was realized as expense.
20.02.1985 District Police Department 1 Police Chief, 2 Deputy Police Chief, 2 Police Officers, 2 Police Officers, 6 Bazaar and Neighborhood Guard and 1 Technician Assistant. There are 8 Hotel-Motel-Hotel, 24 coffeehouses, 1 Pub, 5 Hostel, 1 Casino, 7 Bar, 1 Arcade, 4 Internet Cafés in the Police region. There are 3 cars, 1 minubus, 1 motorcycle. In 1985, the Directorate of Airport Protection Branch was established under the Security Directorate of Muğla. The staff of the Airport Branch consists of 1 Police Chief, 4 Commissioner, 1 Deputy Chief, 104 Police Officer, 1 Technician Assistant and 111 personnel.
District Gendarmerie Command 1 Officer, 6 NCO, 10 Expert Sergeant, 38 Erbaş and carries out the service with Er. There are 1 NCO, 2 Expert Sergeants, 45 Erbas and Er at the Airport Gendarmerie Patrol Command. Gendarmerie Command uses 3 Passenger cars, 1 Land Jeep, 1 Minibus in these services.